What’s YOUR Back Up Plan?

We’ve been pet sitting in Toms River for almost a decade and have cared for thousands of pets throughout the years.  While we understand the importance of having a plan for ourselves as a company in case one of our staff members is ill or has an emergency, we want YOU to think about how important it is for YOU to have a plan.

What's YOUR Back Up Plan

  • What would happen to your pets if you thought you were having a heart attack and had to leave your pet behind to go to the hospital?
  • What would happen to your pets if you needed to pick up and leave so that you could go care for a loved one, attend a funeral or go to an unscheduled job training out of state?
  • What would happen to your pets if your job demanded you stay late?
  • What would happen to your pets if your friend who is pet sitting for you, had an emergency and couldn’t care for your pets while you’re already away?

All these situations are a REAL possibility.  Actually, the heart attack scenario is exactly what happened a few years ago to a gentleman we had never met!  His family had to choose a Toms River pet sitter all the way from FLORIDA!  Can you imagine the heartache they faced as they were so concerned for his health and now had to decide how to care for his cat from across the country?!  (Click here to hear more about this during our 2011 Super Hero Sitter Award Interview)

How Do You Plan for an Emergency?

Hire a pet sitter as a precaution, not a reaction.  It’s that simple.

We make it easy for you to become a client and because we work together as a team, we are always here to help our clients.  From emergency visits to the ER, a death in the family, new baby arrivals – it doesn’t matter.  We’re here to be your pet care solution.




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