Toms River Pet Sitter Host How to Hear the Animals Workshop

Have you ever wondered what your pet would say to you if you could communicate with them?  Maybe they’re going through some medical or behavioral issues and you wish you could talk to them and find out what they’re thinking or feeling.  Megan and I have had questions for our pets over the years and were fortunate enough to find Anita Curtis to help us communicate with them.

Megan recently attended Anita’s “How to Communicate with the Animals Workshop” and found it to be such a rewarding experience, that we wanted to host an event in our area for other pet lovers who want to learn how to take their animal communicating to the next level.

This 2-day event will be held Saturday, October 27th and Sunday, October 28th.

Anita Curtis, Animal Communicator

Level I Saturday, October 27th Registration: 9:00 – 9:30 am Workshop: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Have you ever wished you could understand what your animal friend was thinking or wanted to tell you?  Join us at this workshop and learn techniques you can use to increase your ability to communicate with animals.  You will enhance your relationship with your animal friends and better understand their needs, feelings, behavior, and problems.

The workshop will help you recognize times you have already experienced telepathic communication with animals.  You will:

  • Participate in exercises and meditations, which increase your receptivity to telepathic communication.
  • Learn how to quiet and focus your mind.
  • Practice sending and receiving telepathic communications – first with a human partner, then with animals.

Penelope Smith, a pioneer in animal communications, first developed this workshop, which has been successfully taught to thousands; and Penelope has authorized Anita Curtis to teach her techniques.  Anita’s students have included veterinarians, farriers, trainers, animal massage therapists, and other animal professionals – as well as hundreds of pet owners, just like you.

Level II Sunday, October 28th Registration: 9:00 – 9:30 am Workshop: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm

This workshop is designed to enhance and broaden the skills learned in Level I.  You must attend Level I before taking this workshop.  You will:

  • Explore the viewpoints and feelings from within a specific animal.
  • Learn the technique of contacting departed animals.
  • Be introduced to some Native American customs.
  • Learn about rocks and crystals and their connections to us and to the Universe.

Workshop Information:

Registration:  Anita Curtis Registration Form

Fee:      $110.00 each day if registration is received by October 18, $120 thereafter.  $20 deposit for each day of the workshop is due with registration form.  The balance will be collected on the day of the workshop.

Location:    Endless Pawsibiltieis, LLC 574 Fischer Blvd. Toms River, NJ 08753

Lunch:         Available for purchase at the workshop which supports GSP Rescue of New Jersey

If you have any questions, please email us at or call 1.888.320.PAWS (7297).  We hope to see you there!



1 Comment

  1. Bella

    Wow! That sounds wildly exciting!!!!! I know that it is a paid workshop, but I would love it if you could maybe post a one min video of something interesting from it? 🙂


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