HURRY UP! A Black Friday Sale Pet Owners Can Really Wag Their Tails About!

As I am sure most of you can relate, I receive A LOT of emails every day – family, friends, work..the list goes on and on.  Today is a little bit different – lots of sales going on, lots of companies sending Black Friday promotions, right!

I want to share with you an AWESOME SALE notification I got this morning from a really neat dog supply store,  (Cat owners, don’t run away – they have things for your furkids, too!)

Not only do they have great prices on their products 365 days a year as it it, but today ONLY you can receive an additional 25% off your entire purchase!!  Head over to their site, do your shopping and enter coupon code: BF25

How easy is that?!  Now you can get your pets even more goodies for your money!  That’s something to get excited about! just opened a store in Henderson, Nevada and since I’m out in Las Vegas pet sitting for a client, I couldn’t help but check out their place!  I even met the owner of the company!

Stay tuned for more about my visit to their store!  But here’s a sneak peek of all the goodies inside their walls!

 Black Friday Sale

Enjoy the sale!!!



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