How Do I Create My Online Pet Care Profile?

Now that you’re ready to have us care for your pets, it is essential that you provide us with all the information we will need to know about HOW to take care of them.

How Do I Create My Online Pet Care Profile

An example of how your profile will look to your sitter is available.  Click here to see what our sitter’s see!

For your convenience, we have an online database that will allow you to request services, modify your service dates, personal & pet information online at your convenience.  Please log in and update your information regularly.

Below is the link to the login page. Initially, you will enter your zip code and then proceed to create your account.

Endless Pawsibilities, LLC Online Database        You can assign both your own username and password.

Some of the features we are wagging our tails about:

  • Clients can review/access their information 24 hours a day.
  • Email confirmations when reservations are finalized/changed (for pet sitting).
  • Ability to request specific sitters (when they are available).
  • Peace of mind knowing your records are always accurate.
  • Secure storing of credit card information – once entered, only the last four numbers are visible to us!

Updating Your Home Information

To update your home information, click Edit My Info at the top left side of the navigation bar and complete all the necessary fields.

Please provide us with as much information as possible.  This includes things like:

  • emergency contacts
  • credit card information for payments
  • where your garbage and recycling are located in your house and outside your house
  • where the mail should be placed,
  • where cleaning supplies are located
  • where are alarm code panels are located and the alarm information

Make sure you read the Policy Agreement and click the box to agree to the terms.

Always make sure you click SAVE at the top or bottom of the screen to save any changes you have made.

Updating Your Pet Information

To update your home information, click Edit My Info at the top left side of the navigation bar.  Then click View My Pets button in the orange highlighted area at the top of the screen.

A list of all your active pets will be at the top of every screen in the pet profile section once you save their information.  To edit an active pet’s information, just click the view/edit text.

In your pet profile, you should include information such as:

  • pet’s name
  • breed
  • age
  • sex
  • birth date
  • description of any aggressive/reactive history and triggers
  • the location of your pet’s food in addition to how much they are fed, how often they are fed and where they are fed
  • list the location of any medications in addition to the names a dosages
  • tell us where their favorite toys are
  • where we can find their leash or carriers
  • where is the litterbox, poop bags, etc?
  • any other information we will need to properly care for your pets.

Scheduling Appointments

Click Schedule Appointment on the navigation bar.  Give it a name and enter the start date & end date.  Then click Continue at the bottom of the screen.

On the next screen, “Check the Dates That You Require Service” you will click the days you need service.  The next section asks “Will the schedule will be the same for all the days”.  It is generally easier if you select “Yes” and then edit the specific dates from the last screen.

Click Continue.

Select the service you need from the list.  Using the key on top, click the appropriate time frames.  Click Continue.

At the next page, the Appointment Summary is where you can easily edit first or last day change in services.  For example, if you are leaving Monday morning and returning home Saturday afternoon, then on Monday you could eliminate the morning visit and on Saturday you could eliminate the afternoon and evening visits.

Simply click on the date, remove checks for any visits you do not want & add the ones you do.  Do the same for both the start date & end date.  Click Continue.

You can also click on the blue notepad icon to add any notes for a specific visit which would be out of the norm & not listed under the client or pet info.


Once you have created your profile, bookmark this link for easy access in the future:  Existing Client Login

All scheduling requests will have to be approved by the office before reservations are finalized.  Payments will be processed according to our payment policy.

Once your request for service has been accepted, we will send you a confirmation email which will include the correct total price.  Confirmations are typically sent within 72 hours of receiving the request.

If you do not receive a confirmation within 72 hours, your reservation has not been accepted and you should email the office ASAP,

We apologize but at this time the price that is calculated when you create a service request may be incorrect.  The email confirmation will include the correct total price.

Please contact us if you still have difficulties, we’ll be happy to walk you through it.  Our office phone number is 1.888.320.7297 and our email is

Welcome to the Endless Pawsbilities, LLC Family!!!



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