Help Support a Local Kindergarten Class Act Kinder by Supporting Their Pet Supply Drive

Every year the Kindergarten students at Clara B. Worth School in Bayville celebrate when they’ve been in school 100 days because it means they’ve become 100 days smarter.  It also means they’ve become 100 days kinder.  (Get it…..kindergarten)  This year the students will show their kindness through a donation drive of pet supplies which will be donated to The Associated Humane Societies and Popcorn Park Zoo.

We are always excited to help support donation drives, especially when we’ll be helping 5 year-olds learn about the importance of helping local animal shelters.

Pet Supply Drive

Pet Supply Drive

Please drop off your items to be donated to any of these Drop Locations by February 17, 2014.

Berkeley Veterinary Center 952 Atlantic City Blvd., Bayville, NJ 08721

Bayview Animal Hospital 574 Fischer Blvd., Toms River NJ 08753

Fidelity Mortgage/ERA American Towne Reality 1848 Hooper Ave, Toms River NJ 08753

List of Items Needed:

Cat & Dog Food/Treats (wet and dry)

Kitty & Puppy Food (wet & dry)

Milk Replacement for Puppies and Kittens

Cat/Kitten & Puppy/Dog Toys

Cat Litter


Nursing Bottles & Nipples

Collars & Harnesses of all sizes


Kongs and Kong toys


Rescue Remedy or Calming Collars



Guinea Pig Food

Unsalted Nuts

Parrot Chow

Hamster Food

Cracked Corn

Timothy Rabbit Pellets

Unsalted Sun Flower Seeds

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Ferret Chow

Unflavored Pedialyte

Laundry Detergent

Brooms & Dustpans

Office Supplies (copy paper, tape, etc)


Wash Clothes

Rubbing Alcohol

Benedryl (liquid, tablets, and cream)

Facial Tissues

Dish Washing Soap

Pin Sol


Scouring Pads, Sponges, Cleaning brushes

Garbage bags



Bandages and Medical Supplies


Grooming Supplies (Clippers, blades, shampoos, etc)

Unscented Baby Wipes

Paper Towels

Gift Certificates: Staples, Home Depot, Shop Rite, PetSmart, etc

If you would like to help support the drive in another way, please contact us.  Thank you for helping the kindergarten class at Clara B. Worth as they become 100 days kinder!



1 Comment

  1. Angela @ Tenaker pet care

    That is so sweet! I think it is important for children to have a kind heart for animals, especially those that are unfortunate enough to have to be in shelters.



  1. Kindergarteners Donate Over 620 Items to Needy Pets | Pet Sitting | Dog Walking | Dog Training | Toms River, NJ | - […] Last month we helped spread the word about a pet supply donation drive the Kindergarten class of Clara B.…

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