Last week, I spoke to a woman who was inquiring about our services. We barely finished introducing ourselves and she asked me if we have a backup plan.
What a great question! Pet sitters are responsible for not only the health and well being of the pets in our care but our client’s homes, too. Could you imagine if your pet sitter became ill and needed to be hospitalized? What would happen if they were in a car accident? Who would know they have a death in the family and can not fulfill their commitments? Who would take over care for your pets in these events?
Our Backup Plan is 2 Fold
- We work as a TEAM! We talk to our team members multiple times a day to check in and make sure everything is great. If a sitter is ill, has a car accident or family emergency – another team member will step up and fill in for them. You can breathe easy knowing we all work together!
- Back up keys – 2 sets of keys are required when you become a client so that if there is ever an emergency with your originally scheduled pet sitter, our back up sitter will be given a key and your pet’s care can continue without any interruptions.
We have had family emergencies and car accidents take a sitter off the schedule and because of our back up plan, all pets were cared for and the schedule wasn’t affected. Life happens. We have a backup plan to give you peace of mind that we’re ready for it!